Saturday 2 January 2016

a feeling of numbness

For some reason my brain isn't working, I feel like I should be being super productive, but my brain just wants me to sleep. Im going to friends tomorrow and I just want to stay on the sofa, and then my bff is coming for a visit on Sunday and again I just want to sleep. It'll be great to see them but oh man, so tired. And then that leaves Monday for business planning but I will probably just sleep then I am back to work on Tuesday. I really hate this depression, it rules my life, I try not to let it but actually it really does.
I finally fixed a dress that the washing machine ate a few years ago, and I finished my indigo dress, woot two more outfits in the fatty wardrobe.
Think I am going to sleep now, or maybe knit, I'm not sure. Fucking brain.

Monday 28 December 2015

Thursday 2 July 2015

Wednesday 27 May 2015

blackness road

so thinking about doing a blackness facebook page to let people know whats going on up here...note to self check out the broughton street facebook page!

leaflets cost money.

website. could cost money. suppose if you wix it with adds it would be cheaper....or get mark to make one....then just need to pay for the domain name. hmmmm ideas

Saturday 23 May 2015

dead mower

So the OH has started the grass, but our mower is fucked....typical! he borrowed his granparents. le sigh, nothing goes as planned. Right must hoover the shop and do the dishes!

Thursday 21 May 2015

Thoughts to ponder

I will maybe talk on this tomorrow... Just thought it was important. Two of my customers say they like to be good to themselves, and they get more work done. Maybe I should try it!

Wednesday 20 May 2015


I'm currently sat in the car while oh walks the dogs. I really should have gone with him, but I have no energy bars left, my head is so sore and I did try and sleep but I dunno, it's not soft enough!
I did get most of my to do list done today but it was a hard push....and I'm still coughing my lungs up.

Look at my sweet peas and chillis, going to repost them tomorrow into the big tub. And that should be them, I will do a bit of googling though and ensure that's ok, I want to make some macrame hanging baskets too....

Test knitting a pattern soon, found some stunning yarn. Need to sell stuff first! Text books are a go go! I will never use them. What's the point!

Things to do when I get in,
Washing on, make bed, undies away, sweep and mop bathroom floor, scrub the outside of the shower....UMM what else make a card for my dad, or use one I have

Really struggling in my headspace at the moment. Really wish I could fix it.

Taking mum to see wicked on Monday since she missed out due to the possibility of shingles!

Right here comes OH,